Total Curve is a two-step breast enhancement therapy program that claims to increase breast size, volume, and firmness naturally. It contains natural phytoestrogens to provide a mastogenic effect, helping lift and firm your breast tissues.
Women may experience breast sagging or other related issues due to aging, childbirth, breastfeeding, or gravity. Total Curve promises to tackle such problems by safely and naturally improving breast size, firmness, and curves.
Can Total Curve provide firmer breasts and reduce sagging? This exclusive Total Curve review shall analyze the efficacy of Total Curve’s dual-action system in improving breast volume and size.
The analysis shall be based on Total Curve’s working mechanism, ingredients, benefits, potential drawbacks, user reviews, and more.
The makers advertise Total Curve as a “Daily Breast Enhancement Therapy System” that intends to increase breast volume and shape naturally. It contains phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen-like effects, helping accelerate breast tissue growth.
It claims to work externally and internally to help tone and reshape your breasts to provide a more youthful appearance. Total Curve aims to increase the fatty tissue in the breast area for a noticeable enhancement in breast volume.
Consistent use of Total Curve capsules may potentially elevate natural hormone levels, especially estrogen. Elevated estrogen levels help support breast development, yielding visible size enhancement.
Total Curve provides a Lifting and Firming Gel with added Volufiline, which gives a natural plumping effect, enhancing breast shape and size. It seeks to improve the curves, volume, and overall firmness of your breasts in a safe and noninvasive manner.
According to the official website, Total Curve offers the following features for augmenting breast size and volume:
If you are looking for a firmer, fuller, and more lifted breast without resorting to invasive procedures, Total Curve could provide a support support. It could help enhance your breast size, shape, and overall appearance naturally and safely.
Those women who are hesitant or unwilling to undergo invasive surgeries, such as breast augmentation, may find Total Curve helpful.
If you are experiencing breast sagging due to reasons like childbirth, aging, menopause, or hormonal issues, Total Curve might be of assistance.
Those looking for a research-backed and proven approach to get plump and firmer breasts may also benefit from using Total Curve.
According to the official site, Total Curve uses a two-fold approach to reshape and resize breasts naturally. The Total Curve capsules contain natural phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen action to firm and lift your breast tissues.
The package also includes a Total Curve Lifting and Firming Gel with the potent compound Volufiline. It contains sarsasapogenin that may interact with the breast’s fatty tissue, causing the fat cells to grow in volume and quantity.
The capsules and Total Curve Lifting gel may promote breast health. They could potentially reduce symptoms associated with PMS, menopause, low libido, vaginal dryness, and other related issues.
Fenugreek in Total Curve may help maintain hormonal balance and promote the growth of breast tissue due to its phytoestrogen content. Dong Quai root may support progesterone production, which is associated with breast development.
Hops contain natural phytoestrogens that may support lactation (milk production) and breast development in women.
Blessed thistle is a hormone balancer that may repair damaged skin fibers, improve milk production, and reduce menopause symptoms.
Buckwheat leaves and flowers contain rutin, an antioxidant that could strengthen capillaries and enhance blood circulation. It may ensure adequate blood circulation to the breasts, potentially improving their overall health and appearance.
It also contains bioflavonoids that support collagen production. These bioflavonoids help increase collagen production and strengthen the structural integrity of breast tissue, promoting firmness and shape.
Fennel contains phytoestrogens that mimic the hormone estrogen in the body. The phytoestrogens in fennel may contribute to the growth of breast tissue, potentially improving breast health and size.
These compounds may reduce hormonal imbalances and mitigate symptoms of conditions like PMS, menstrual irregularities, and menopausal symptoms. Fennel may also help increase breast milk production, making it a beneficial herb for lactating women.
Fennel possesses anti-tumor and anti-metastatic properties, which might help decrease the likelihood of developing breast cancers or tumors.
Dong Quai root, also called female ginseng, might help the body make more progesterone, which is linked to breast development.
Dong Quai may enhance blood circulation throughout the body, which might provide breasts with a plumper appearance and support optimal breast development.
Dong Quai also helps regulate hormonal levels, particularly estrogen and progesterone. Such effects help maintain hormonal balance, which is critical for supporting breast growth, lactation, and overall health.
Damiana may attach to progesterone receptors and help make more progesterone. Such effects could increase milk production and support the development of breast tissue. It might help improve breast curves, firmness, and volume.
It also has aphrodisiac properties that may be used as a sexual stimulant. Damiana could improve sexual desire, increase libido, and support overall sexual wellness.
Blessed thistle may help repair damaged collagen and elastin fibers, contributing to healthier and more youthful-looking breasts. It may help regulate female hormones in the body.
Blessed thistle could minimize symptoms related to hormonal imbalances like painful periods, menstrual headaches, and menopausal symptoms.
It could also be a beneficial herb for nursing mothers. Blessed thistle may help increase milk production, thereby supporting the nutritional needs of the baby.
The phytoestrogens found in hops mimic estrogen in the body, which may help regulate hormonal balance and promote breast tissue growth. Hops also imparts estrogen-like effects, which may reduce some menopausal symptoms.
Hops contain bioactive compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, such as prenylflavonoids. These compounds might contribute to improved breast volume, firmness, and size.
Watercress contains compounds like sulforaphane and isothiocyanates with antioxidant and anti-tumor properties. These compounds in watercress may help suppress the growth of cancer cells that could lead to breast cancer.
It also offers essential nutrients like vitamins A, K, and C, as well as magnesium, calcium, and iron. These nutrients could help maintain overall health and support essential bodily functions.
Black cohosh root contains compounds that mimic estrogen in the body, helping regulate hormonal levels, particularly estrogen. It may help reduce common menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.
It acts on the body’s hormonal mechanisms, helping subside the discomfort and pain associated with menstrual cycles. Black cohosh root might manage and reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menstrual cramps associated with estrogen imbalance.
Wild yam root could help enlarge breast size and volume. It contains diosgenin, a phytoestrogen that could help relieve menopausal symptoms without resorting to hormone replacement therapy. Wild yam root could also boost energy levels and libido, supporting overall vitality.
Total Curve has a rich phytoestrogen content that may cause estrogen-like effects, helping firm and lift your breast tissues. It may particularly support a gradual increase in breast size and volume.
Having large breasts may increase the aesthetic appeal for some women. Using Total Curve may promote a sense of positive body confidence and reduce issues like breast sagging and tenderness.
Total Curve helps support the production of female hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which may impact the menstrual cycle.
It may help reduce multiple signs of premenstrual syndrome, including breast tenderness, mood swings, nausea, exhaustion, stomach aches, and headaches. Such effects may minimize discomfort associated with the premenstrual cycle.
Total Curve does not directly reduce menopause symptoms. However, it helps balance female hormones like progesterone and estrogen, an imbalance that may worsen menopause symptoms.
Using Total Curve might help reduce menopause symptoms like sleep problems, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood changes, or weight gain.
Total Curve may help minimize hormonal imbalances, especially estrogen levels. Such a mechanism could reduce the chances of experiencing reduced sexual drive, typically associated with estrogen fluctuations.
Improved libido could help increase your sexual desire, improve intimacy with your partner, and enhance overall sexual satisfaction.
The makers state that Total Curve uses premium-quality nutrients and hormone balancers that follow pharmaceutical-grade safety standards. However, some users might experience mild digestive issues like bloating, gas, or stomach discomfort on initial use.
Some users might encounter topical side effects due to allergic reactions to Total Curve’s Lifting and Firming gel. Signs of such allergic responses may include redness around the application site, itching, rashes, swelling, or a burning sensation.
Damiana in Total Curve may cause potential side effects like headaches, insomnia, diarrhea, or hallucinations.
Blessed thistle could lead to gastrointestinal issues like stomach pain, flatulence, acid reflux, or bloating. Hops are generally safe to use but may cause side effects like drowsiness, dizziness, or sleeping issues for some users.
However, personal responses to Total Curve may vary, and what may cause side effects in one user might not affect another. Before using the Total Curve Lifting and Firming gel, apply some over a small skin area to ensure compatibility.
The manufacturer provides the following usage instructions to obtain optimal benefits from Total Curve:
Most women have shared positive experiences after using Total Curve. They have observed a noticeable increase in breast firmness and volume within a few weeks of using Total Curve.
Some users stated that they felt some significant difference in breast appearance, making them appear more curvy and firm. This increased their confidence and self-esteem after taking Total Curve for some months.
Many nursing mothers have claimed to experience increased milk production, reduced breast tenderness, and firmer breasts after consistently using Total Curve. These benefits helped them through their early motherhood journey by ensuring adequate milk production for their infant.
However, not all customers have had the same experience. Some women observed no significant changes in breast size or firmness despite regularly using Total Curve. A handful of women experienced itching, redness, or soreness after applying the Total Curve gel.
Total Curve has shown promising results for many users, but it’s essential to consider personal differences and potential risks before deciding to use Total Curve. You should carefully monitor any negative changes in breast health and consult a doctor if any concerns arise.
According to the makers, Total Curve contains premium-quality herbs, minerals, and hormone boosters. The manufacturing process follows safety standards as stringent as those for pharmaceuticals.
The makers of Total Curve claim that its ingredients undergo third-party testing for purity and potency. It ensures that the ingredients listed on the Total Curve label are accurate and safe for consumption.
Total Curve offers a safe and natural way to enhance breast size, uplift them, and improve their firmness. It mitigates the hassle and risks associated with invasive breast lift procedures like breast augmentation surgery or implants.
Consumer reviews of Total Curve highlight its effectiveness in improving breast volume, size, and overall appearance with minimal to no reported side effects. These reviews further contribute to Total Curve’s strong safety profile.
According to the official site, you may purchase one Total Curve pack, which includes a jar of Daily Supplements and a Lifting and Firming Gel for $69.95.
Three Total Curve packs will cost $179.95, lasting three months, and six Total Curve packs shall cost $299.95, lasting six months supply.
The makers offer a generous 67-day refund policy on all Total Curve purchases. If unsatisfied, you may return the opened/unopened packs in the original container within 67 days of purchase and get a full refund.
The timeline for noticing Total Curve’s effectiveness might vary based on age, skin type, breast conditions, or overall health. However, the makers state that you could observe noticeable improvements in breast volume and firmness after 28 days of using Total Curve.
Staying consistent with Total Curve usage may lead to more visible outcomes and improved breast size in 90-120 days. Due to personal variations, some women may take longer than others to obtain desirable outcomes.
Leading Edge Health Inc. (the brand behind Total Curve) holds strong recognition within the beauty and wellness industry. Total Curve invests in in-depth research to formulate products that are safe and effective.
The reputation of Total Curve is built upon extensive research, scientific validation, and real-world testing. It ensures the efficacy and safety of Total Curve’s breast enhancement therapy program.
When writing this article, we checked Total Curve user reviews on authentic websites like Better Business Bureau, Amazon, and Trust Pilot. Amazon gave Testo Max a 3.5 rating out of 5, with 35% of total reviews giving a 5-star rating.
Better Business Bureau gave an A+ rating to Leading Edge Health Inc. (the company behind Total Curve). Trust Pilot gave Total Curve an impressive rating of 4.2 out of 5, with 57% of total user reviews giving a 5-star rating to the product.
According to the makers, Total Curve offers a safe alternative to invasive surgical procedures for breast enhancement. A professional scientist team has formulated Total Curve, which is subjected to a rigorous program of human and laboratory testing.
The clinical trials indicated that Total Curve could effectively increase breast volume by up to 8.4%. It works internally and externally to help tone and reshape breasts while causing minimal to no reported side effects.
We checked the ingredient profile of Total Curve, which contained natural and research-backed ingredients like buckwheat, fennel, and hops. These ingredients are scientifically backed to promote a natural approach to enhancing breast size, shape, and firmness compared to invasive breast augmentation procedures.
Total Curve prides itself on offering a safe alternative to invasive surgical procedures for breast enhancement. The two-step daily breast enhancement therapy system consists of a daily supplement and a firming and lifting gel with Volufiline™, a key ingredient known for its breast-enhancing properties.
Total Curve’s effectiveness in enhancing breast appearance and firmness is supported by scientific research. Total Curve’s two-step daily breast enhancement therapy system has undergone and completed clinical trials to verify its breast enhancement potential.
After using Total Curve for some months, most women observed positive outcomes. They experienced a noticeable increase in breast size, enhanced firmness, and reduced sagginess after using the product.
The two-step system of Total Curve may offer significant cost-savings by offering two effective products, a Lifting and Firming gel, and a daily supplement, at the price of one. You may purchase a single pack of Total Curve for $69.95.
You could get reduced cost per unit by purchasing three or six Total Curve packs. It offers three Total Curve packs for 179.95, reducing the per-unit cost of one pack to $59.98.
The upfront cost of Total Curve may seem higher than that of single products like lotions or creams. However, Total Curve’s ability to tackle both internal and external factors affecting breast appearance may be worth the extra investment.
Total Curve’s two-step system offers complete breast enhancement therapy rather than just a lotion, cream, or daily vitamin.
You are only required to take 2 Total Curve capsules daily, which could minimize the need for multiple dosages throughout the day. The Total Curve Lifting and Firming Gel is also easy to apply and may contribute to enhanced breast volume and firmer breasts.
Total Curve enhances convenience by supporting a natural breast lift and increasing breast volume without having to undergo invasive breast augmentation procedures.
Total Curve may help improve your breast volume, enhance firmness, and improve your overall appearance. It could help reshape and tone your breasts and give them a fuller, firmer look. However, it is not the be-all and end-all for enhancing breast size and volume.
Gently massaging your breasts, doing chest exercises, eating protein-rich foods, and maintaining a moderate weight could help tone and enhance your breast appearance.
If the lifestyle interventions fail to produce significant breast enhancement results, you could go for additional procedures. These may include getting breast implants, wearing padded bras, or going for breast augmentation surgery.
Tyler Read earned an undergraduate academic degree from Sonoma State University, California and is a certified personal trainer (CPT) with NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine). With over 16 years of experience, Tyler has trained clients both online and in-person.
He is passionate about helping others turn their love for fitness into a career. Tyler has worked with many local and commercial gyms before establishing his successful private personal training business, which he continues to operate.