Home » How To Lose Lower Back Fat? [8 Best Ways & Exercises]

How To Lose Lower Back Fat? [8 Best Ways & Exercises]

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Having some back fat is normal. Body fat is necessary to maintain a normal body temperature and store sufficient energy for daily activities. 

While it is very challenging to reduce fat or control where it comes off first, crash dieting or short-term remedies may not be the best approach. 

Losing back requires consistently following an active lifestyle and not dabbling in extreme dieting or completely cutting out your favorite food. 

Following a practical approach that works for your overall weight reduction could help reduce weight in your lower back. 

This article mentions some of the best methods to support your weight loss journey. It also explains easy exercises that might help strengthen your lower back effectively. 

Understanding Lower Back Fat

Lower back fat is the fat accumulated between the butt and the bottom of the rib cage on the back side of your body. Many people retain the fat stored on the sides of their torso at navel height and lower back fat.

Lower back fat could be due to impaired insulin levels, carbohydrate tolerance, excessive testosterone levels, or an increased risk of metabolic disorders, PCOS, or fertility problems.

How To Lose Lower Back Fat

8 Best Ways To Reduce Lower Back Fat

  1. Yoga

    Yoga helps reduce back fat, strengthen back muscles, and support long-term weight loss. It could target the physical aspect and promote mindfulness when combined with breathing techniques.

    Here are four yoga poses that might help you shed fat in your back muscles:

    1. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): This pose may stretch and strengthen your back muscles, allowing you to reduce back fat.
      • Start by lying on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders
      • Lift your upper body while placing your pelvis on the floor.
      • Retain this pose for a few breaths, then gradually release.
    2. Locust Pose (Salabhasana): This pose could target the muscles in your upper back and help tone and reinforce them.
      • Keep your arms by your sides while lying down on your stomach.
      • Raise chest, arms, and legs off the floor.
      • Keep your look forward and hold for a few breaths before releasing.
    3. Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana): It might stretch and strengthen the muscles in your entire back, including the lower and upper back.
      • Start on your hands and knees, then rotate your back like a cat while drawing your belly button towards your spine.
      • Arch your back and uplift your chest towards the ceiling.
      • Repeat this flow for several rounds, syncing your breath with your moves.
    4. Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This pose stretches your back and engages the muscles, helping to reduce back fat.
      • Position yourself on your hands and knees.
      • Lift your hips upward, forming an inverted V shape.
      • Press your hands into the yoga mat and extend your spine.
      • Hold on to this position for a few breaths before releasing.
  2. Eat the Right Number Of Calories

    Research has shown that eating 20-to-25% fewer calories than you burn daily can allow you to lose fat efficiently without sacrificing muscle or experiencing excessive hunger and fatigue.

    You can start decreasing your caloric intake by 300 to 500 calories daily. It could be achieved by cutting back on high-calorie, low-nutrition foods and opting for nutrient-dense options.

    You could include fiber-rich foods like avocados and lean protein sources like eggs, boiled chicken breast, and salmon.

    Avoid processed foods with artificial preservatives to maintain calorie intake. However, choosing low-sodium options could also help reduce water weight in the back area.

  3. Upper Back Exercises

    Upper back exercises may assist in reducing back fat and achieving a more defined and toned upper body. These exercises could strengthen your arms and reduce fat in those areas.

    • Pull-ups or chin-ups: These could be effective exercises for the upper back by engaging multiple muscles in your upper back, like the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius.
    • The lat pulldown: It targets the latissimus dorsi and may improve posture and reduce back fat.
    • Seated cable rows: These exercises could help engage the muscles in your upper back, including the rhomboids and trapezius.
  4. Cardiovascular Exercises

    Cardio exercises may help burn calories and reduce overall body fat. Exercises like running, jogging, swimming, and jumping rope might increase your heart rate and boost your metabolism, helping you burn excess calories.

    Cardiovascular exercises could release endorphins, known as “feel-good” hormones, that could elevate your mood, reduce stress, and can also boost your energy levels.

  5. Lower Back Exercises

    1. Bridge: It could target the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.
      • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet straight on the surface.
      • Lift your hips from the floor until your body forms a straight position from your shoulders to your knees.
      • Hold for a few seconds, and then slowly lower your hips back down.
      • Repeat as per desired reps.
    2. Back Extensions: Back extensions may help strengthen the muscles in the lower back.
      • Start by lying face down on a mat, with your hands behind your head and your legs extended.
      • Lift your chest and upper body above the floor as high as possible, squeezing your lower back muscles.
      • Hold for a second and then slowly lower back down.
      • Repeat as per your fitness level or desired reps.
  6. Strength Training

    Strength training may reduce back fat and achieve a stronger, more toned physique. Building muscle contributes to weight loss and may help target and strengthen your back muscles.

    Strength training exercises may target multiple muscles in your back, including the lats, rhomboids, and traps, which help enhance your overall back strength and definition.

    As you increase muscle mass, your metabolism improves, increasing fat burning even at rest. Thus, strength training may improve bone density, enhance posture, and increase endurance.

  7. Adequate Protein Intake

    Protein possesses a high thermic effect, as it needs more energy to digest than carbohydrates.

    Thus, you can boost your metabolism and burn calories effectively throughout the day by increasing your protein intake.

    Consuming adequate protein might allow you to achieve your weight reduction goals and reduce lower back fat effectively.

    Consuming protein helps you feel fuller for more extended periods, which will curb your cravings and reduce the chance of overeating, eventually supporting your weight loss efforts.

  8. Consider Supplements

    You can consider supplements in your routine to support your weight loss journey and reduce back fat effectively. According to research, dietary supplements could boost your weight loss efforts by increasing calorie burn, enhancing fat loss, and reducing hunger and cravings. However, the evidence supporting this claim is unconvincing and inconclusive.

    Supplement Benefits


    Increases the number of calories burned and boosts strength, muscle endurance, and anaerobic performance.


    Might increase fat loss, particularly beneficial with losing “stubborn” fat when used in conjunction with fasted training.


    Could speed up metabolism, enhance fat burning, and reduce hunger and cravings.

7 Best Lower Back Fat Exercises

  1. Cycling

    Cycling is a cardiovascular exercise that could help burn calories and promote fat loss without putting strain on the joints. It could help create a caloric deficit essential for losing body fat.

    Cycling may target your lower body muscles, such as your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes while engaging your core and back muscles. When you pedal, your back muscles stabilize your spine, increasing muscle tone and strength in your lower back area.

  2. Deadlift

    Performing a deadlift could target multiple muscles, including the lower back. It may help increase functional strength by targeting the lower body’s largest muscles.

    • Stand with your feet hip-width separated and a barbell in front of you.
    • Keep your back straight while bending your hips and knees.
    • Hold the barbell with an overhand grip.
    • Raise the barbell by extending the hips and standing up straight.
    • Switch the movement by bending at the hips and knees while lowering the barbell to the starting position.
  3. Reverse hip raise with exercise ball

    The reverse hip raise is a low-impact exercise that may target and tone the muscles in your back. It engages the muscles in your lower back, helping to strengthen and tone them.

    To perform the reverse hip raise,

    • Lie with your belly on the exercise ball, with your eyes looking at the ground.
    • Place your palms flat on the ground and bend your legs at the knee.
    • Squeeze your glute muscles and balance on the exercise ball as you lift your legs together.
    • You should maintain stability in the ball throughout this movement.
    • Hold onto this pose for a few seconds, then slowly lower your legs.
    • Repeat this exercise several times before gradually increasing the duration of holding a hip raise.
  4. Side jackknife

    The side jackknife might target the obliques and help to tone the ‘love handles’ and lower back area.

    • Start by lying on your right side with your legs stacked over each other.
    • Place your left hand behind your head for support.
    • Pull your left leg up toward your left arm while squeezing your obliques.
    • Repeat this exercise for 8-12 reps on one side before switching to the opposite side.
  5. Superman

    The Superman pose targets the lower back muscles. It could strengthen your lower back and glutes, helping you achieve a strong and toned physique.

    • Lie on a floor or mat with your arms open and your legs straight.
    • Lift your arms, chest, and legs further away from the floor simultaneously, forming a “Superman” position with your body.
    • Hold for a few seconds and then lower back down.
    • Repeat the process for several times as much as you can.
  6. Back Squat

    The back squat engages the muscles in your legs and is effective for building strength and promoting fat loss. It also recruits your core, glutes, and back muscles, which supports overall body composition improvement.

    To perform a back squat correctly, follow these steps:

    • Place a barbell in a squat rack at about the height of the top of the breastbone.
    • Step under the bar, pinch the shoulder blades together, and rest the bar above the bony ridges on the bottom of the shoulder blades.
    • Lift the bar from the rack, take one or two steps backward, and place the feet wider than shoulder-width apart with toes pointing outward.
    • Sit down, keeping your back straight, and push your knees out in the same order as your toes throughout each repetition.
    • Then, return to the starting position and repeat the process.
  7. Front Squat

    Research shows that the front squat is as effective in training the quads as the back squat, even when using up to 20% less weight. The front squat places less compressive force on the knees and lower back.

    Here’s how you can perform the front squat:

    • Place a barbell at the height of your breastbone, slightly higher than for a back squat.
    • Carry the bar with a shoulder-width grip and palms facing away from you.
    • Step closer to the bar, allowing it to rest against the top of your breastbone, and push your elbows up and out in front of the bar.
    • Lift the bar while taking a few steps backward, and position your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing outward.
    • Keep your back straight, elbows upward while sitting down during squats, and push your knees toward your toes throughout each repetition.
    • Repeat the same procedure as much as you can.


Causes Of Lower Back Fat

Genetics, sedentary lifestyles, poor dietary habits, hormonal imbalances, aging, lack of physical activity, stress, and hormonal changes can influence lower back fat. 

Genetics helps determine where excess weight is stored in the body. However, lifestyle choices and habits could also contribute to back fat accumulation.

A sedentary lifestyle, represented by a lack of physical action, could also lead to weight gain and fat storage in the lower back area. 

Poor eating habits that include a high-sodium or high-sugar diet consumption can cause inflammation in the body, making back fat more noticeable. 

Hormonal imbalances and changes, which can occur during different phases of life, might affect the distribution of fat in the body, including the lower back region.

As we age, our metabolism could slow down, making it easier for fat to accumulate in certain areas, including the lower back. 

Thus, choosing a comprehensive approach that combines physical activity, a nutritious diet, stress management methods, and hormonal stability is essential. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Cycling Help Reduce Lower Back Fat?

Cycling could effectively reduce lower back fat when combined with a nutritious diet and overall fitness routine. It might help burn calories and strengthen the muscles in the back, leading to fat loss and improved overall health.

What Are the Causes of Lower Back Fat?

Genetics, sedentary lifestyles, poor dietary habits, hormonal imbalances, aging, lack of physical activity, and stress are a few causes that contribute to lower back fat. Thus, understanding these factors may help develop effective strategies for back fat reduction.

Is It Necessary to Do Strength Training Exercises for Lower Back Fat Reduction?

Yes. Strength training exercises are necessary for lower back fat reduction as they help build muscle mass, increase metabolism, and promote overall fat loss.

Can Certain Supplements Aid in Reducing Lower Back Fat?

Certain supplements like caffeine and yohimbe claim to help reduce back fat. However, you must follow a balanced diet and exercise routine for sustainable weight loss.


Reducing back fat may require constant effort and time. Thus, following a holistic approach that includes targeted exercise and healthy lifestyle modification could boost these results.

Monitoring your calorie intake, creating a weight loss goal, and managing stress levels can allow you to stay motivated and consistent during your weight reduction journey.

However, remember that spot reduction is not effective. You need to work on your overall body weight to achieve desirable outcomes.

Be mindful of your sugar intake and refined carbs, as they can contribute to unwanted weight gain, hindering your efforts to lose back fat.

You can also seek a certified dietician’s recommendation to create a diet plan that offers essential nutrients without increasing your calorie consumption.


  • The information in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.
  • It is not recommended to disregard/delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of what you read or accessed through this review.
  • The results may vary from individual to individual.
  • It is recommended to consult your doctor for any underlying medical conditions or if you are on any prescribed medicines before trying any product or tips.
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